7.2 Screencast - How to use QuickTime!

Use one or another of these tools to create a screencast... your choice! Please try something new as possible.
This artifact can be something that you will use in your Learner Inquiry Project.
Tell us about your experience in creating this resource.
Why did you select this tool?
What were some of the useful features? Did you find something frustrating?
I decided to use MacOS's QuickTime Player. All of our teacher devices are MacBook Airs, so I thought it'd be useful to make a screencast on how to use the built-in option for screen recording. It was tricky figuring out how to demonstrate making a screencast while recording, so I used another MacBook through Remote Desktop.
The major benefit of using QuickTime is that it's free on Macs and available without an Internet connection or website subscription/registration. It's pretty bare-bones though, so if you want to spice up the recording with edits or transitions, exporting to iMovie is your best bet. The frustrating "feature" is how the program first opens - it's not the most user-friendly. Apple could definitely improve the launch user interface!